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Texas at its best-Bradshaw
![]() ![]() Always Pounding
![]() ![]() By: Aaron Williams
When the Acolyte Protection Agency opened for business Last January, few thought it would stay in business for more than a few weeks. After all, drinking, fighting, gambling and smoking are hardly considered the building blocks for a successful enterprise. One year and three months later, however, business is still booming, and Bradshaw and Faarooq Have established themselves as the toughest tag team in the Federation. While their unorthodox approach to running a business has won them legions of fans, it's been their ability to provide protection for their fellow superstars that has made the APA the most profitable organization in the history of the WWF. This month they agree to talk about the APA and share a few personal thoughts with all their fans.
WWF Mag:
Which do you prefer, wrestling or working for the APA?
Working for the APA, because you get to drink more beer.
Working for the APA, because we get to beat people up all the time, not just when the bell rings. You know, we just like to beat on people. That's us, period.
WWF Mag:
What's the record for the number of beers that you've drunk in one day?
I'm not sure, we don't really count them. The number isn't really that important. It's not an ego thing, we just enjoy beer.
Who knows how many.
WWF Mag:
Who can drink more?
I don't know. It would be interesting to find out, but like I said, when your 21, you want to find out who can drink the most, but when you're a little older, you just want to have a good time.
I agree that it's got to be close, but it doesn't really matter though.
WWF Mag:
Does your lifestyle effect your fitness level?
Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.
Of course it does. But you have to choose what you want to do in life. We enjoy having a good time and if that means when we go to the ring we suffer a bit, well that's just the way it is. Anyhow, sucking air and getting tired is pretty much all mental. You can go out there and make it through a match, and that's what we do. It's just a matter of being tougher than your body. We're going to make it through a match, and we are gonna kick alot of ass and that's basically the bottom line. As far as getting tired and all that, yeah, I'm sure it would be a lot better if we did the stair stepper everyday instead of going to a bar every night, but that's just not us.
WWF Mag:
What's the toughest team you've ever had to face?
There are alot of great teams in the WWF right now. You've got Edge&Cristian, RTC.....
Right now I believe the tag team division is the strongest it's ever been. It's hard to pick the toughest team. We've fought Undertaker and Kane, and they were certainly tough. But as for pure tag teams, you can take your pick between the Dudleyz and RTC because both those teams are fantastic.
Look, everyone here in the WWF is tough; the Hardy Boys, Edge&Cristian. Like Bradshaw said, it's hard to pick our toughest opponents, but one thing is for sure, we ain't afraid of nobody and nobody is tougher than we are.
WWF Mag:
Anyone you'd like to get your hands on?
Sure. I would love to get ahold of Edge&Christian again. We just enjoy beating the hell out of a couple real pretty boys. That's what we consider them. And, I'd love to be able to face the Hardyz again in their home state of North Carolina. I'd love to watch all the pretty girls crying after we beat them up.
Personally, it doesn't matter who we face as. I don't care. As long as there's some beer and some good fighting, that's all we need.
WWF Mag:
Do you have any plans to hire more people for the APA?
There might be someone out there who'd fit in with us, but I don't really know if we need to expand right now. We're not against picking some people up on a sorta probationary basis, but right now the APA works best with just the two of us.
WWF Mag:
Is the APA an equal partnership?
Of course it is. If anything, Faarooq has the leadership of the team. He's the veteran, so I cede leadership to him.
Hey, absolutely, were equal partners.
WWF Mag:
Do you two ever fight over the last beer?
We're pretty good about that. We both know how valuable that last beer is, so if he grabs it first, I probably look like a lost puppy, and he'll give me half.
Hell no, we each drink half of it. This is an equal partnership.
WWF Mag:
Did you get into alot of fights as a kid?
Oh yeah, I grew up in West Texas and that's what kids did. That was just kind of a normal thing. We'd have fist fights and then go have a beer together.
No, I didn't have to fight. I just told anyone who got in my way what would happen if they tried it. They never bothered me after that.
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